
MetaFacts periodically releases research findings that are highlighted in a newsletter. These are primarily based on our ongoing TUP/Technology User Profile study research. Each issue includes highlights from MetaFAQs – addressing a specific current or frequently-asked question, TUPdates – drilling down more deeply to cover a topic in more detail, the even more comprehensive TUP Profile reports, and other deliverables.

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Recent newsletter topics

Listed below are some recently released topics.

  • Background: Online adults have increasingly relied on a range of connected devices to stay in touch, expanding well beyond voice calls on landline phones to voice, text, chat, and video meetings. Microsoft has been involved in part with its Skype services which have evolved over time to encompass more than voice. However, most of Skype’s […]
  • Background: Printer users have various options to refresh their printing supplies, from buying new cartridges, using refilling services, or refilling a tank or cartridge themselves. As printer users continue to evolve in how they use printers, their choice of printing supplies is likely to evolve and essential to monitor. Approach: MetaFacts surveyed 81,608 online adults […]
  • Background: ASUS made its name on well-crafted yet lower-priced computers. This continues its appeal to budget-conscious employers. In the mad dash to support remote workers with adequate technology, at least among those employers who deigned to do so, a higher-than-average share turned to brands such as ASUS. With Microsoft Windows 10 support expiring, many of […]
  • Background: Lenovo continues to champion the well-established ThinkPad brand of mobile computers, maintaining its reach into both commercial and consumer markets. Many employees, especially information workers, continue working remotely, and a robust share of employers have supported them with work notebooks. And, Lenovo has managed to attract a unique set of users and employers. However, […]
  • Background: Apple has continued to remain an underdog within the commercial computer market, with a consistently lower market share than Windows-based computers. With Apple’s growing emphasis on its own silicon and other technical innovations from displays to operating system integration, Apple has managed to maintain loyalty among employees as well as commercial IT/IS decision-makers. The […]
  • Background: Home computers are not being used by the same people or in the same way as they were a few years ago. Economic shifts exacerbated by the pandemic, digital transformation, and smartphones' ubiquity have challenged the traditional order. While the installed base of home computers continues to be dominated by a few manufacturers, including […]
  • Background: Apple is well known for being marketers, more so than simply being device makers. Their focus has helped them attract and retain a unique set of customers, historically earlier adopters and those of upper-socioeconomic standing. However, as Apple has continued to broaden its market to sustain growth, the “different” qualities of its active customer […]
  • Background: Lenovo continues to steward the well-established IBM ThinkPad brand of mobile computers, extending its reach into both commercial and consumer markets. However, the market for home notebooks/laptops has faced headwinds in recent years as consumers continue migrating their personal activities to smartphones. Also, since many employees, especially information workers, continue working remotely, many employers […]
  • Background: Printer users and printing shifted dramatically during the pandemic and ensuing economic changes. As many employees worked remotely for the first time, many struggled to establish a functional workspace at home, most often with little support from their employers. Students also adapted to many changes, with many shifting to virtual classrooms, including both adult […]
  • Background: Printer users and printing shifted dramatically during the pandemic and ensuing economic changes. As many employees worked remotely for the first time, many struggled to establish a functional workspace at home, most often with little support from their employers. Students also adapted to many changes, with many shifting to virtual classrooms, including both adult […]

  • Highlighted in this week’s release Home printer market growth quadrants & long-term trends – The use of home printers has declined as a growing share of technology users increasingly transform their images, documents and interactions to digital. Furthermore, users have migrated many activities away from home computers. This TUPdate identifies the areas with the highest […] The post MetaFacts TUP newsletter-November 14, 2024 first appeared on MetaFacts.
  • Summary Since the COVID-19 pandemic, home printers have been increasingly used for work. This growth is primarily among American adults that are neither the youngest nor the oldest. This MetaFAQs reports on the use of home printers for personal activities as well as work-related activities by age group. Indexing Categories: Activities, Printers, User Profile Waves: […] The post Using home printers for work activities is strongest among mid-age groups first […]
  • Even while taking pictures is a regular part of most American’s lives as an everyday activity with their smartphone, printing them on a home printer is a declining trend. This MetaFAQs reports on the regular use of home printers to print photos and the use of smartphones to take pictures from 2016 through 2020. About […] The post Home photo printing declining while smartphone photos are prevalent first appeared on […]